Masturbation Hormones

Contrary to popular myth, testosterone doesn’t explain why men have more sexual desire than women, nor is it linked to healthy men’s sex drive.

Excessive masturbation and ejaculation can, and often times will, result in over-production of sex stress hormones and neurotransmitters. An unnatural abundance of

In most parts of the world, female masturbation is a very taboo subject. In Europe, during the 18th and 19th centuries, it was believed that masturbation could cause

Masturbation information for teenage mans. Addresses wrong ideas and answers lots of silent questions. Big relief to many mans to know they are actually normal!

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Sexual exhaustion caused by over masturbation or ejaculation resulted in devastating effect of chronic overexposure of cortisol. Prolonged cortisol elevations result

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Sex doesn’t end as you age, so keep on using “it.”

Female masturbation. The female sex organ most sensitive to touch is the clitoris. Therefore, female masturbation almost always involves stimulating the clitoris

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7 Secrets of Female Masturbation Her solo sessions are different from yours in a lot of ways. Learn the ins and outs of female masturbation By Arielle Pardes June 22

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Before starting on a regime with feminization hormones, read everything you possibly can very carefully. This information is for you.

Spiritual and physical reasons against masturbation from a Biblical perspective. Section is part of plan for getting free from sex addiction. Site includes steps to

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