Arteries In Teens Study

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WebMD provides a diagram and medical information about the anatomy of the arteries.

Heart Disease: Vascular disease includes any condition that affects your circulatory system.

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Fidgeting while sitting may protect leg arteries and even help prevent arterial disease. “Any movement is better than no movement,” says Jaume Padilla.

New research funded by the National Institute on Drug (NIDA) found that long-term exposure to anabolic-androgenic steroids may be associated with substantial

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May 04, 2017 · Resveratrol Might Help Diabetics’ Arteries. Resveratrol supplements appeared to aid those with the stiffest blood vessels in small study

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C-reactive protein (CRP) a protein that is produced in the liver in response to inflammation. CRP is a biomarker of inflammation that is strongly associated with the

Atherosclerosis Definition Atherosclerosis is the build up of a waxy plaque on the inside of blood vessels. In Greek, athere means gruel, and skleros means hard

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High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is more common in adults, but it can happen at any age. Learn what it is, how to prevent it, and how to treat it.

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