Why Orgasm

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The female orgasm is the greatest mystery of our time. Here are 20 reasons she didn’t have an orgasm during sex.

Have you heard of “the orgasm gap?” Some people say it’s harder for women to have orgasms – but these statistics and cultural norms will convince you that there’s

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Nov 09, 2013 · New brain studies explain how pleasure really works — and the amazing science behind amazing pleasure

Of course guys manage to make YOUR orgasm about themselves.

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The Lelo Siri 2 Music Vibrator vibrates in time with music, but what about my body rhythm?!

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Feb 01, 2016 · Let’s explore the connection between the brain and an orgasm, the climax of sex.

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Having an orgasm shouldn’t be like solving a difficult math problem but for a lot of women, it really can seem like that. Cosmopolitan.com spoke with several doctors

Orgasm (from Greek ὀργασμός orgasmos “excitement, swelling”; also sexual climax) is the sudden discharge of accumulated sexual excitement during the sexual

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Making loud noises during sex can help improve communication, and sexual satisfaction between partners.

Health Here’s Why So Many Women Can’t Orgasm During Sex This one goes out to all the vaginas that aren’t all that enthused by penetration alone.

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